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The aim of flock testing is to facilitate a reliable production process for flocking objects. Testing the properties of the material to be used, i.e. flock and adhesive, and also the properties of flock finished goods. Since 1975 different industry groups have developed approved testing methods and determined the testing procedures to be used. Practical testing methods were developed by exchanging information and experience between those companies involved.

APG 1000 abrasion tester

All products are composed of a combination of substrate, adhesive and flock, and everybody who knows about this composition and wants to know how strong this combination is, starts to scratch. The sophisticated method is to scratch with a coin.

This abrasion tester is shown in the illustration below. Various chisels are available. The standard types are 20 mm wide, radiuses are 0.5 and 0.16 mm. Extra weights for loads of 1.0 and 2.0 kg, also a tensioning weight for flexible material are available.

RPG 1000 flock siftability tester

This measuring instrument is used for the assessment of the siftability of the flock when it is processed in the flock dosing unit and the electrical field. The appraisal factors are:

・Sifted flock after one cycle (15 rotations)

・Flock remaining inside the sieve drum

MT 501 tear tester

The tear test is a proven test method.

The advantage: No subjective, visual evaluation is required. 

A metered value is displayed in Newton and printed out. Tests may even be run on very small and uneven parts like those used in the automotive industry.

SPG 1000 flock rise time tester

This measuring instrument is used for the assessment of the siftability of the flock when it is processed in the flock dosing unit and the electrical field. The appraisal factors are:

・Sifted flock after one cycle (15 rotations)

・Flock remaining inside the sieve drum

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